Frontline Gold for Dog vs. Cat Formula

Many rescue organizations and hundreds of customers (previously sold through eBay) have safely used Frontline Gold for dogs on cats.  You will be receiving the DOG FORMULA of Frontline Gold (large dog tube) and a kit and instructions that enables you to measure out the correct dosages for each weight/type of animal.

All Frontline Gold for dogs contains 9.8% Fipronil, 0.25% Pyriproxyfen and 8.8% Methoprene. The Frontline Gold for cats contains the same amount of 9.8% Fipronil and 0.25% Pyriproxyfen. Frontline Gold for cats contains 11.8% Methoprene which is more than in the dog formula. Hence, we have used the dog formula safely on cats. The only side-effect is that the lower strength of Methoprene may not kill fleas as effectively on cats as on dogs.

Many rescue groups, pet groomers  and low-cost spay/neuter clinics use the large dog tubes and “dose down” to save money. Of first importance is the safety of the animals. Secondly, they can save money on an effective and proven flea medication.

If you do not feel comfortable using a slightly different formula, you can order the Advantage II kits which contain exactly the same formula for dogs and cats. The ONLY difference is the amount that gets applied.